




Sending training batches to a Processing Station for training

As the training process can take a long time and consume a lot of computational resources, the administrator can choose to train batches on a Processing Station.

注:Before sending a training batch to a Processing Station, please, make sure that:

  • At least one Processing Station has been added on the Processing Server.
  • The project has been uploaded to the server.

To send a training batch to a Processing Station, right-click the batch and select Send for Training on the shortcut menu. Once the batch has been sent, a training task will appear in the task queue in the Processing Server Monitor. The training itself will take place on the Processing Station. Multiple training batches can be sent for training on a Processing Station. If required, the administrator can cancel a training task in the Processing Server Monitor. Training batches sent for training will be locked until their training completes and the administrator will not be able to make any changes to such training batches.

4/12/2024 6:16:06 PM

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