
The API methods allow you to perform the following operations on tasks:

CancelTask Cancel a task
CloseTask Close a task and send it to a processing stage
CreateTask Create a task from the set of documents of one batch
GetAvailableTasks Get the list of available tasks for the selected stage type and restrict the set of available batches
GetAvailableTasksByStageId Get the list of available tasks for the specified processing stages
GetAvailableQueues Get the set of records listing the processing stages available to the user
GetCurrentTask Get the ID of the task obtained with the GetTask method and not yet processed
GetPostponedTasks Get the list of postponed tasks
GetTask Select the task with the highest priority at the processing stages of the selected type and open it for processing. Restrict the set of available batches.
GetTaskByStageId Select the task with the highest priority at the specified processing stages and open it for processing
GetTaskDocuments Get the list of documents in a task
GetTaskInfo Get information about a task
OpenTask Open a task
PostponeTask Postpone a task
SendTask Send a task to the specified processing stage
SendTaskToException Send a task to Exceptions
SetTaskPriority Change the task priority

Wichtig! You can use the Web Services API to access only tasks at those stages for which Web stations are allowed in the project (Project → Projekteigenschaften..., Workflow tab).

4/12/2024 6:16:01 PM

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