Event Log from System Monitor
This log contains records about all events and errors that occurred in ABBYY FlexiCapture, such as log in and log out events for System Administrators, the starting and stopping of the Application Server and processing stations, etc. This event log does not contain records of events that occurred in tenants.
Wichtig! Only users with System Administrator permissions can download event logs from System Monitor. A System Administrator is the Administrator of a default tenant.
To download this log, use a POST request.
POST https://<server address>/FlexiCapture12/Monitoring/Tenant/GetEventsCSV
Request parameters
- All parameters are required. Make sure that they are specified correctly.
- The search in Oracle Database is case sensitive. Please, take it into account if you are using Oracle Database.
Name | Type | Description |
filter | string |
Sets the filter parameters. As a result, only logs that satisfy the filter conditions will be recorded. Only the AND and OR operators can be used to combine the conditions. Operators are specified in GeneralOperator parameter. Sample filter parameters: filter={ You can find necessary values for PropertyKey and PropertyOperator parameters by creating desired filter in Administration and Monitoring Console. To do this:
"FilterItems": [ Please, note that "TenantName" should be kept for default tenant in columnsOrder parameter. |
columnsOrder | string |
List of columns that should be added to the report. Possible values are:
sortColumnindex | int | Specifies the column that will be used to sort the records in the log. |
sortOrder | bool |
Specifies the order in which the records will be sorted:
tenantId | int |
Specifies the tenants for which records should be included in the event log. Possible values are:
You can find the example of using this API in the script. Download the script here or use the script code provided below.
Hinweis. The parameters in this script should be replaced with your server address and your own credentials.
PowerShell script
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