XML description file
The XML Description File contains information about a custom report and is used to enable the report in the Administration and Monitoring Console of ABBYY FlexiCapture. Several examples of reports are enabled automatically during installation. You can study their structure and use them as an example for creating your own reports.
The XML Description File includes the following elements:
- <customreport></customreport>
The main element of the report. Must contain the entire description of a report.
- Name the name of the report. It will be displayed in the Administration and Monitoring Console and is a required attribute.
- Type the type of your report. This is a required attribute. It can have two values: CrystalReportQuery (for reports based on Crystal Report queries) or DataSetReport (for DataSet based reports).
- Description the description of the report that will be displayed in the Administration and Monitoring Console. This attribute is optional.
- <crystalreportfile/>
This is a required element. It has only one attribute, Filename, which must contain the name of the report file (*.rdlc or *.rdl). The report with that name must be placed in the same catalog as the XML Description File.Hinweis. Other elements are required only for DataSet based reports.
- <storedprocedure/>
This element is required for reports based on data extracted by a stored procedure. It has only one attribute, Name, which contains the name of the stored procedure. - <sqlText></sqlText>
This element is required for reports based on SQL queries. The contents of the query must be entered between the opening and closing tags.Hinweis. If both <storedprocedure/> and <sqlText></sqlText> tags are present in the XML Description File, the DataSet will be created by the stored procedure.
- <parameters></parameters>
A range of parameters of the stored procedure or SQL Query. All of these elements bust be entered between the tags <parameter> and </parameter>. If no parameters are necessary to compile the DataSet, this element must not be included in the XML Description File. - <parameter></parameter>
Describes a parameter of a SQL query or stored procedure, and specifies details relevant to the parameters entry in the Administration and Monitoring Console. Attributes:
- Name The name of the parameter. This is a required attribute. It will be transferred to the SQL query or stored procedure.
- Type the type of the parameter. This is a required attribute. Possible values: Int, Date, String.
- Prompt the hint that will be displayed when a user enters this parameter. This attribute is optional.
- Default the default value of the parameter before the user enters a different value. This is an optional attribute. Date type parameters can have the value "now", which corresponds to the current date.
By default, the user enters the values of parameters into an entry field. If the value has to be chosen from a list, add the <possiblevaluelist> element.
- <possiblevaluelist></possiblevaluelist>
<possiblevaluelistitem /> elements are all of the possible values of a <parameter> element. - <possiblevaluelistitem />
Describes one of the possible values of a parameter. Attributes:
- value Possible value of a parameter. This attribute is required. Its type must match the type of the parameter.
- displayvalue a row that will be displayed in the list. This attribute is optional. If this value is absent, the value attribute will be displayed.
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