
What it does

The TicketInfo data type stores information about the licensing ticket.


Name Type Description
TicketId int The ID of the ticket
LicenseNumber string The license number
StationType int

The type of the station. See WorkstationType for possible values.

Hinweis. Use the WT_Verification and the WT_Validation values instead of the WT_RemoteDataVerification and the WT_RemoteVerification ones respectively.

ExpirationDate long

The date and time when the license expires.

Use the following methods for conversion (C#):

DateTime dtTime;
long lTime;
// conversion from DateTime to long
dTime = DateTime.FromFileTime(lTime);
// conversion from long to DateTime
lTime = dTime.ToFileTime();

ExpirationPeriod long

The license term (starts upon license activation).

Use the following methods for conversion (C#):

DateTime dtTime;
long lTime;
// conversion from DateTime to long
dTime = DateTime.FromFileTime(lTime);
// conversion from long to DateTime
lTime = dTime.ToFileTime();

AvailableModules unsigned int The modules available for the license
IssuedForSessionId int The ID of the session during which the ticket was created
CustomFeature LicenseCustomFeature[] The custom license parameters
Signature string The signature of the ticket

12.04.2024 18:16:01

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