
What it does

The Page data type stores information about a document page.


Name Type Description
Id int

The ID of the page.

It is recommended to specify the ID before the document is added into the batch. use the GetBatchIdsRange method to reserve IDs for new documents.

SourceFileName string The ID of the source image file
SourcePageNumber string The number of the image in the source file
SourceType int

The type of the image source. Possible values:

  • 0 - image is loaded from file (from folder, from FTP folder, from Hot Folder, or added by using drag-and-drop);
  • 1 - image is received from scanner;
  • 2 - image is received from the Scanning Station, from MAPI or from POP3 server.
SourceDetails string Information about the path to the folder or the scanning driver; may contain the name of the file or the name of the originating device (i.e. scanner name or model)
Comment string Comment to the page
ErrorText string A description of the page processing errors
ExternalId string The external ID of the page. If left empty, the parameter is completed automatically by the Application Server and is the same as Id.
HasAttachments bool A flag that shows whether the page has attachments
UncertainSymbols int The number of uncertain characters
VerificationSymbols int The number of verified characters
TotalSymbols int The total number of characters
FileVersion int The version of the page file on the server
Flags int A set of flags that describe the status of the page

4/12/2024 6:16:01 PM

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