

Contains statistics related to a specific batch for one day.

Diagram of relationships between statistics tables

List of columns

Key Name Type Required Description
PK Id int yes Entry identifier.
BatchId int yes Batch identifier. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the StatisticBatchArchive table.
CanceledTasks int yes Amount of canceled tasks.
CompletedTasks int yes Amount of completed tasks.
Date datetime yes The date for which statistics were gathered.
ExceptionTasks int yes Amount of tasks that were sent to the exceptions stage.
PostponedTasks int yes Amount of postponed tasks.
ProcessedDocuments int yes Amount of processed documents.
ProcessedPages int yes Amount of processed pages.
ProcessingStageType int yes Processing stage type. Standard processing stage types are listed in the Processing Stage Types table.
ProjectId int yes Project identifier.
RoleId int yes Identifier of the user's role. Possible values are listed in the User Role Types table.
Seconds int yes Time (in seconds) spent on processing the batch.
ToExceptionDocumentCount int no The number of documents moved to the Exceptions stage.
ToExceptionPageCount int no The number of pages moved to the Exceptions stage.
UserFullName nvarchar yes Name of the user that is processing the task.
UserId int yes Identifier of the user that is processing the task.
Workstation nvarchar no The name of the computer that is processing the task.

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12.04.2024 18:16:01

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