
The API methods allow you to perform the following operations on user accounts:

AddUserIfNotExist Get the ID of the current user and create a database record if required
FindUser Get the ID of the user with the specified name
GetAvailableQueues Get the set of records listing the processing stages available to the user
GetAvailableUsers Gets a list of users or groups allowed to process a specified stage
GetProjectsForStationType Finds projects where a user has at least one role associated with a particular type of station
GetProjectsForUser Get the set of records listing the stages available to the user
GetRoles Gets list of all roles in the project
GetUser Get information about the user based on the user ID
GetUserRoles Gets list of IDs of the user roles available to the current user in the given project
GetUsers Get the list of users
GetUserStatistics Gets a set of records listing the number of batches, documents and pages whose state changed to "processed" for a given period of time
HasRightsForBatchType Check if the specified user role has access permissions to a certain batch type

4/12/2024 6:16:01 PM

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