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Dealing With Path Analysis

Paths and timeline set filtering

Paths are built on the timelines included in the current set with all filters applied. You can work with this Path analysis from two perspectives or combine them if needed:

  1. You may want to prepare the timeline set first, according to your analysis objectives. This means filtering a certain range of timeline conditions that forms patterns in single or multiple sets, in which you are most interested. It will help you to find unwanted patterns in certain aspects of the process.
  2. You can start with finding patterns that require a deeper examination, then filter the current set by paths included in this pattern. After this, use the resulting timeline set for further analysis with the help of other analysis modules.

When the timeline set is prepared, you can adjust some more Path analysis settings, so the visual part meets your needs.

Path analysis settings

Before analyzing paths, you may want to enable some additional options and configure the path display.

Set configuration

This button offers additional settings that you may choose to turn on. They will help you to choose events to consider, configure the display aspects of both Path and Schema representations, and enable the comparison functionality.

Set configuration options

Sort order

Paths are sorted based on the first selected metric, which is considered the main one. Paths analysis offers two basic sorting options:

    1. Ascending - metrics' values increase from left to right.
    2. Descending - metrics' values decrease from left to right.

Note. Since you can add a second metric to the path configuration, each metric can have its own sort order, which widens the range of analysis possibilities.

When the Count of timelines metric is selected with the Descending sort order, Top 1 contains the path that most timelines follow. It makes this path the most common one in the analyzed process. This configuration underlies the analysis module called Primary path view.

For details on this analysis module, see Primary path view.

Comparison of paths in different sets

This feature allows you to move from a general analytical approach to the comparative one. You can compare metric values for different sets. To do this:

1. Enable Show compare in the Set configuration window.

2. Select a set from the Compare to set list.

You can also enable Sort by compared to apply the selected sort order to the comparison set instead of the current one.

For example, you can analyze the cost and processing time of processes in a separate branch, look at the paths involved, and then compare these indicators with the main office right in this analysis module.

With the help of all the above, you can configure the Path analysis module to meet the needs of your task before proceeding with the analysis.


Having configured your Path analysis display, you may want to export it as a separate file. PNG format is available by default. Other export formats availability depends on your subscription plan.

Path analysis example

Path analysis offers a number of possibilities to take a very close look at certain process patterns, compare them, examine path details, and filter timelines by paths. Get familiar with the module functionality with the help of the usage example below.

Usage example

05.09.2024 16:23:54

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