Intro to Timeline API

Timeline API allows 3rd party clients to upload data to projects and use the functionality of various program modules without interacting with the program interface directly. For example, in addition to data upload, with API requests you can perform general actions like creating new projects, and repository tables and deleting them. At the same time API allows you to perform more specific operations with data already processed by the program: retrieve timelines' statistics, get calculated metrics, and some more. At that point, Timeline API offers the possibility to embed selected parts of its functionality into your system to provide required processing results without the need of using a whole separate interface.

In this guide you will learn more about the possibilities offered by Timeline API and the most common scenarios for using it:

  • Authentication - Learn how to authenticate API requests with various supported methods.
  • Getting Started - Look at the basic steps required to interact with Timeline API.
  • Resources - Discover examples of interaction with available resources and possible scenarios of using them.

To become familiar with available resources, their endpoints, required parameters, basic request and response examples in the illustrative form visualized by Swagger UI, see API reference. To access it, add /open-api/1.0/apidoc.html to your Timeline instance address:

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