
Timeline API resources allow the access to different features of the program. For example, you can operate the raw data in repositories and processed data and calculated metrics in projects, without interacting with the Timeline interface.

Using API makes it possible to integrate chosen parts of Timeline functionality in your application or system to have ready-to-use data on your side when all the processing is done on a Timeline instance. Make use of the features you require, without the need to interact with the whole program separately.

In this section, you will discover more possible scenarios of using Timeline API resources and which endpoints are useful in which situation.
To become familiar with endpoints, required parameters, basic request and response examples see Timeline API reference in Swagger UI that is available by adding /open-api/1.0/apidoc.html to your Timeline instance address:

At the moment, you can interact with the following resources:

9/5/2024 4:23:54 PM

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