Using Postman

When you receive a valid access token, you need to insert it in the authorization header of your request to authenticate it. Follow the steps below to do it using the Postman interface.
For details on how to get a token, see Acquiring Access Token.

  1. Copy the freshly received Access Token.
    You can find it in the Current token section of the OAuth 2.0 authorization type. If you have more than one token, open the drop-down list with the current token name and select the needed one from the list.
  2. Open the Authorization tab of a desired request.
  3. Change the Type to Bearer Token.
  4. Paste the received token there.
  5. Make sure that the request itself is configured and click Send.
    To configure your requests correctly, learn more about available resources, their endpoints, required parameters, basic request and response examples visualized by Swagger UI, see API reference. To access it, add /open-api/1.0/apidoc.html to your Timeline instance address:

22.02.2024 17:28:05

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