How to Collect Data for Timelines

You can obtain a list of all timelines and their statistics in a CSV table using Timeline API.
For example, you may want to export the calculated basic metrics to work with them in a separate system. To do it, follow the steps below.
Note. For information on where to find path parameter values for the endpoints, see Project path parameters.

Before you begin

As in this example an interaction with an existing project is expected, make sure that the target project has some data in it before collecting timeline statistics. The data can be uploaded from any source in this case, using Timeline interface or through API requests.
For details on data upload using Timeline interface, data requirements and mapping, see Process Analysis Project in Timeline web Help.
For details on data upload using Timeline API, see How to Upload Data to Project.

Collecting timeline data

  1. Send a POST request to initiate the process of collecting timeline statistics.

    Required parameters: projectId
    In response, you will receive a processingId.
  2. Send a GET request with the processingId returned by the previous request. Endpoint:

    Poll the processing endpoint until the status becomes FINISHED.
    In response, you will receive a URL.
  3. Send a GET request to the received URL. This will start a download of a CSV file with a table, which contains timeline data. The file will be downloaded to the machine or server from which the request was made.
    See the content of the resulting file in the table below.

Show the resulting file content


For Windows

For Linux

05.09.2024 16:23:54

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