
You can operate Timeline projects and data in them using API requests. It makes possible to create new projects from scratch and also offers several scenarios of interaction with those, in which the Timeline API data source is enabled. These scenarios cover most of the data-related actions, which allows dividing data management and analysis tasks not only between different users or team, but also between workspaces. All analysis tasks can be performed in Timeline's interface, while data is operated from a 3rd party system through API requests. After the analysis is complete (or metrics are calculated and prepared for further analysis in another system), some artifacts may be obtained by calling the respective endpoints. This approach gives enough freedom to optimize and even automatize data processing around your analysis needs.

As Timeline provides role-based access, users need to have either of the following roles in the project they want to interact with using API: Data Manager, Administrator, and Project owner.
For details on roles in Timeline projects, see Accounts, User Roles & Permissions > Project Scope.
For general information on Timeline projects, see Projects, Tools, and Data Analysis.

In this section you will find some possible scenarios which might help to get an understanding of what actions in projects can be performed with Timeline API:

Important. It is mandatory to have the Timeline API data source enabled for the target project of any API interaction, otherwise, your requests will fail.

Project path parameters

There are several parameters whose values you need to provide in endpoint paths. Below, you will find a list of project-related path parameters with a description of how to find proper values for them.

Show Project parameters

Before you begin

  • Check your project configuration, or create a new one using API. Most of the scenarios described in this section require a project with data, where the Timeline API data source is enabled.
    For details on how to begin using Timeline API, see Getting Started.
  • Make sure that you have implemented the supported OAuth grant flow to authorize requests.
    For details on request authorization in Timeline API, see Authentication.

05.09.2024 16:23:54

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