Access Token

Timeline public API authorization is secured with OAuth 2.0, so you need to send an access token in the Authorization: Bearer header, otherwise requests will fail. Most probably, when integrating your application or system with Timeline, you will aim to make the process a part of your application for a seamless user experience. This means you will need a client OAuth library fit for your development stack. If you need some recommendations to do it, we recommend reading the official OAuth documentation -
For information on OAuth flows supported by Timeline and some useful links, see Implementing OAuth Grant Flow.

Before integrating your application or system with Timeline, you may want to manually test Timeline API endpoints and the connection in general. For testing purposes, you will find information in this article about the most common ways of receiving tokens and authorizing API requests with them, following the Authorization code flow:

Important. Make sure you have a properly configured OAuth client for API interactions in your Timeline account. If you did not create it yet, see Register Client in Timeline for instructions.

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