English (English)

Cutting Mode

For each task, you can choose a log Cutting mode that sets the boundaries for a task with multiple identical start and end forms. Cutting mode is set separately for start and end forms on the Task properties pane.

There are 2 available cutting modes:

  • First
    The first valid start/end form that appears in the log is added to the task instance.
  • Last
    The last valid start/end form that appears in the log is added to the task instance.

The table below shows which forms from log will be added into a task instance depending on the cutting mode. In a log there are 2 start and 2 end forms defined for a task. The table displays which one of them will be included in a task instance.

Original forms Start form: First Start form: Last End form: First End form: Last
Form Form Form Form Form
Start form Start form Start form Start form Start form
Start form Start form Start form Start form Start form
Form Form Form Form Form
End form End form End form End form End form
End form End form End form End form End form
Form Form Form Form Form

05.09.2024 16:23:54

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