In this section, Account Owners and Admins can manage the authorization settings.
If you have a sufficient role, adjust the authentication settings to meet the requirements of your organization and establish the necessary level of security:
- Type
Select the general authentication type regulating access to Timeline.
Two options are possible: - Standard (set by default)
Requires entering login and password to access the account. - SAML2.0
Allows SSO access without entering login and password manually.
Important. To enable it, you need a custom domain name registered for your account. Contact support to register it, if it is not done yet.
Also, SSO should be set up by administrators in your organization to be able to use this option. - Method
Select User Security Level (Clearance): - Weak: ID and password
Only your email address (serves as ID) and your password are required to log in. Password recovery by email. - Moderate: Hybrid
Only your email address (ID) and your password are required to log in. Password reset will require additional tokens sent through email and SMS, depending on the selected two-factor channel. If you choose to receive SMS, specify the mobile number including the country code. If you prefer the email channel, no additional actions are needed as Timeline uses an email address as a user ID. - Strong: Two factor
In addition to your email address (ID) and your password, you need to provide a token sent to you in an SMS or an email, depending on the selected two-factor channel. If you choose to receive SMS, specify the mobile number including the country code. If you prefer the email channel, no additional actions are needed as Timeline uses an email address as a user ID.
If you select Two-factor, an additional field Two-Factor whitelist will appear. In this list, you can specify trusted users that will not need to complete the second step of the two-factor authentication. Click Add and enter the user's email in the corresponding field of the appeared Add email to the two-factor whitelist window, then click Add to put the user in the list. The specified user will appear in the whitelist.
Important. You can add only account members. When a valid email is entered, the Add button in the Add email to the two-factor whitelist becomes active. Insertion of multiple emails is not supported, you can add one user at a time. To add more users to the whitelist follow the procedure again. - Minimum password length
Set the minimal number of symbols required for a new password to be saved successfully. - Password expiration in days
Set a lifespan for a password. The number of days after which the current password will expire and you will have to reset it. - Number of previous passwords to prevent reuse
Set how many passwords cannot be repeated. It is an option to additionally ensure security through old password retention. If the value in the corresponding field is more than 0, Timeline will remember the specified number of reset passwords and will not allow saving a new password if it matches one of the retained ones.
You can also set up access to your Timeline account for external clients in the separate OAuth tab of the Account section. For details, see OAuth.
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