English (English)

Literal Search


To perform a search, click   in Filtering tools at the top of the program, type text and press Enter.

You can perform a complex search based on a Query. To do it, click Try search by template in the search results window. For details, see Query.

Syntax Description

Literal search is case-insensitive and partial, meaning that search for ‘abc’ brings also XABCD.


Operators Description Examples


<space> and &

The logical AND operator allows you to find timelines that contain all search query words.

Format: <query text> AND <query text>

test1 AND test2
Selects timelines where test1 and test2 present in (in id, activity name or attributes).

test1 test2 AND (test3 & test4)
The above is the same as test1 test2 AND (test3 AND test4).


, (comma) and |

The logical OR operator allows you to find timelines that contain at least one of the search words.

Format: <query text> OR <query text>

test1 OR test2
Selects timelines where test1 or test2 present in (in id, activity name or attributes).

test1, test2
The above is the same as test1 OR test2.

test1, test2 OR (test3 | test4)
The above is the same as test1 OR test2 OR (test3 OR test4).


- (minus)

The logical NOT operator allows you to exclude a timeline containing a specified word from search results. In this case, the NOT operator should come before the word to be excluded.

Format: NOT <query text>тест1 NOT тест2

test1 -test2
Selects timelines where test1 is present (in id, activity name or attributes) but test2 is not (in id, activity name or attributes).

* -test
Selects all timelines without those in which test is present (in id, activity name or attributes).

q -(b, x, z)
Selects timelines with q, but without b, x and z (in id, activity name or attributes).


' ' (single quote)

The strict match operator "" (double quotes) is used to search for exact matches. It allows you to find a timeline that contains an entire query text. That is, routes that contain part of the query text will not be included in the search results.

Format: "<query text>"

"test", "test1"
Selects timelines having exact word 'test' or 'test1' in id, activity name or attributes.

"test", "some" AND 'query'
Selects timelines only if it has entire word 'test' or it has 2 whole words ("some" and "query").

Clarifying Flags

Operators Description Examples



Looking up in timeline’s ID. (1 2 3):id
Selects timelines having 1 and 2 and 3 in id.



Looking up in timeline’s activity names. test:activity
Selects timelines having test in activity name.



Looking up in timeline’s attributes.

test:id -test:attrs
Selects timelines where test is present in id, but not present in attributes.

(12, 14, 18):attr1
Selects timelines having 12 or 14 or 18 in attribute 1.



Looking up in timeline’s attributes (N – is an attribute number). test:1-10
Selects timelines with test in the 1st to 10th attributes.
<entry>{id, activity, 1, 2, N} Looking up in timeline’s id and activity and attributes (1, 2, N). 113{id, events, 1}
Selects timelines with 113 in timeline id, activity name or attributes.

9/5/2024 4:23:54 PM

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