English (English)

Remove substring

The Remove substring operation removes a substring from a field. For example, some fields may be automatically populated when you create a table. You may wish to remove substrings from such fields if they have no analytical value.

For more information about substrings, see Operations > About substrings.

Configuring the operation

  1. In the Columns(s) drop-down list, select the columns where you need to remove a substring. You can also click Select all if you need to select all the columns.
  2. In the Substring to be removed field, specify the substring to be removed.
    Important. This operation is case-sensitive (for example, Boston and boston will be treated as different substrings).
  3. If required, you can use a filter and preview the results of the operation

  1. Click Save. The Edit Operation window will close and the new operation will appear in the Operations pane.

Configuration example

Task: Some cells in the Name column were populated with "none" substrings. These substrings should be removed as they result in redundant timeline attributes.

Solution: Select the Name column and specify the substring to be removed.

Result: The table below shows the data in the original fields and the resulting data obtained by running the operation.

Before After
John Smith John Smith
none1111 1111
NoneAnna NoneAnna

05.09.2024 16:23:54

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