English (English)


My data didn't upload, and I did not receive an email notification

If you configured scheduled file upload, but data has not been uploaded to the target project or repository, and you have not received an email with upload status, to solve the issue, make sure the manifest file is named manifest.json and syntactically valid.

  1. Verify your manifest is valid as JSON, for example, using this tool: https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/
  2. Make sure your manifest has a valid structure and correlates with uploaded files.
    There are no built-in checks on the manifest structure. Please check your manifest by following the instructions in the Manifest file section.

Another scheduled upload failed

If your upload failed unexpectedly but worked previously, click your user avatar at the bottom of the left bar > Account > Subscription and check the subscription status in your account.

If you exceeded some limits in the current subscription plan, contact your account owner or administrator, or submit a request to the ABBYY technical support service on this page.

SFTP client failed to connect SFTP server

If access is denied or SFTP server refused a key, you might use a non-authorized key. That is SFTP client has sent a public key to the server and offered to authenticate with it, and the server has refused to accept authentication. This usually means that the server is not configured to accept this key to authenticate this user. You generally need to check the keys you use.

If you are having trouble connecting to SFTP server, follow these steps one by one until your issue is resolved:

  1. Check the hostname and username you are using.
  2. Check the authentication method you are using to connect.
    To connect to the ABBYY SFTP server you should use the public key authentication. This means you generated a key pair on your computer, and sent the public key to ABBYY. Then, when the ABBYY SFTP server asks you to prove who you are, your SFTP client generates a signature using your private key.
  3. Check your firewall is not blocking the connection.
  4. Make sure you attempt to connect over SFTP. Unsecured FTP connections are not supported.
  5. Refer to the documentation of your SFTP client for a solution to the connection issue.

15.07.2024 8:46:08

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