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Aggregations serve to compose information from databases to prepare combined data sets for data processing. In Timeline, it can be regarded as a helpful tool for project space management. Aggregations are useful if the project requires only a small subset of the information from a large dataset. To grant the most effective use of data space in a project, a user can upload data, then create the required metric calculations on the current timelines and delete these timelines. This way it is possible to have calculated metric data for larger data sets, without always keeping the actual data in a project.

Aggregations are based on already created metrics. For instructions on how to create them, see Metrics.

How to configure an Aggregation

  1. Open Aggregations tool. To do it, click > Project configuration > Aggregations. The Aggregations editor window opens.
  2. Click Add metrics for the calculation. Make sure to have them created beforehand, as only existing metrics can be used in Aggregations editor. Multiple metrics can be selected.
    Important. Some metrics are non-aggregable due to their initial settings. These are Derived metrics and the ones using the following aggregator function: standard deviation, 90 percentile, 75 percentile, 25 percentile, 10 percentile, and median.
  3. Add Dimensions (Event and Attribute pairs) for the calculation and provide a Name for it. Multiple dimensions can be selected.
  4. Optional. To remove an unused metric or a dimension from the list, click . You can choose several elements by marking their checkboxes and delete them with a single click on Delete selected.
  5. Define Time resolution: hourly, daily, weekly, monthly. It sets the timestamp step that is used to build the Aggregation data table.
    For a detailed description, see Aggregation Data and examples.
  6. Save configuration.
    1. Click Save to postpone the calculation. It will be done automatically upon the next data upload to the project.
    2. To get the calculated table of results, click Save and recalculate. A complex calculation can take a long time, so you can always cancel it by clicking Abort.
      Important. Aborting calculation may cause the loss of the already aggregated data, the program will warn you about it.
  7. To display the calculation result, click See calculated data. The Aggregation Data window will open. For a detailed description, see Aggregation Data and examples.
  8. Now you can delete the uploaded timelines, calculated data will be kept. Aggregated data from further uploads will be calculated automatically and added to an existing table. Upload data to the project, go to Aggregations and click See calculated data. You will see an updated table.

Aggregation Data and examples

The Aggregation Data window displays the calculation result in a table view. It has one default column with timestamps of events, that depend on the chosen Time resolution. Other table columns represent metrics and dimensions added to the aggregation. Thereby, you can see metrics' or attributes' values in the event with a certain timestamp.

As the data is stored even after timelines are deleted, new uploads expand the Aggregation Data table adding values to the existing columns.


Aggregations with Alteryx connector

Aggregations can serve as the source of Alteryx data export. Alteryx requires metric values in different breakdowns, and it is too resource-consuming to calculate data on every single export, so this data can be retained as an aggregation. For example:

  1. Upload data to a project from Alteryx.
  2. Add aggregation functions, created in Timeline.
    Note. Alteryx exports only simple metrics - sum, min, max, and count.
  3. Saved aggregation metrics are exported from the project with Alteryx connector for further analysis or display in 3rd party programs.

For more information about the connector, see Connecting to Alteryx as a Data Source.

05.09.2024 16:23:54

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