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Delete Events


Timelines contain events representing actual steps from a business process. However, not all events may be essential for an analysis task.

For example, a business process used the events Sent to packaging partner and Received from packaging partner, but the company recently switched to internal packaging. Deleting these obsolete events can improve the transparency of the project.

Deleting events changes the results that Timeline displays in any analysis module, filter, alert, chart, or other components. For details on events deletion impact, see Effects of Deleting Events.

Note. Delete events is not available in Task Mining projects.

Reversible alternatives for deletion

Timeline has alternative ways to deal with irrelevant events without removing those from the timeline data. By applying the following methods, event data remains available for analysis if needed.

  • Exclude events
    Hides unwanted events from the current analysis scope. For details, see Excluding events.
  • Filter events
    Uses a filter to hide the timelines with the specified event. For details, see Event filters.

How to delete events

Important. Deleting events removes events from the timelines. Timeline cannot undo the deletion in an easy step. Importing the original data set again is the only way to restore deleted events.

  1. Open the Delete events tool. To do it, click > Project configuration > Delete events.
  2. To narrow the list, select Hide unused events, which removes all events excluded, already deleted, or not found in timelines filtered by the Current section.
  3. Optionally, click the column name to change sorting or click for filtering.
  4. Select the events to remove.
  5. Click Delete selected. The project automatically rebuilds.
  6. Click Refresh page.

Timeline now removed the selected events from all timelines. The project page reloads with all metrics, analysis modules, tiles, and other components recalculated.

05.09.2024 16:23:54

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