How to Configure Simulation Scenario
- Type a name in the Scenario name field.
- Select a Milestone schema from the drop-down list.
The first time you select a schema for a scenario, it shows a graph of the process you will explore without any configurations.
Controls near the schema help to adjust its location on the screen. - Click Mine behavior.
The program analyzes the schema transitions frequency and how much time each transition takes based on the selected timelines. As a result, you see the percentage of fork distributions on the schema and the processing time of each transition in the Node pane.
Note. Some events can be displayed on a schema but have zero values for incoming and/or outgoing transitions. This means that timelines in focus do not pass through this step, but you can reallocate resources and distributions to this event for the simulation model. - Configure General settings.
- Set up the rules for the program to simulate timelines according to the created scenario.
Specify Start date and Start time for the first timestamps of simulated timelines. Then, configure a rule to finish the simulation. You can choose between the following stop conditions: Number of timelines, when the simulation stops after completing the specified number of timelines, or End date and time, when the scenario produces new timelines for simulation until the defined date. - Add resources to a simulation.
A resource is a countable value of any object that is needed for a certain event. For example, the number of call center operators or the number of available hospital wards where patients are placed.
For instructions on how to add resources, see How to Add Resources. - Modify the mined statistics for nodes to experiment with different scenarios.
- Click the Start node to modify the start distribution. This way you can change the frequency of new timelines appearing in the simulation.
For example, increase or decrease the Multiplier value in order that timelines appear in the simulation more or less often accordingly. - Configure fork distributions, processing time, and adjust resource reallocation for other nodes.
For instructions, see Nodes and Transitions Configuration. - Mark Save generated timelines to add the simulation results to your current project data as new timelines. As Simulation helps you to test various optimization ideas before implementing them in real processes, generating simulated timelines brings you one step further. It allows you to perform a deeper analysis of these potential changes as if they are already implemented and happened in an actual process. You can then use Timeline tools at the full scale to assess its impact on the whole process picture.
The program saves scenario changes automatically. After you configure the scenario, click Run simulation. The process may take some time depending on the amount of data involved. When the process finishes, simulation results appear along with generated timelines if you selected this option. For details, see Run Simulation and Proceed with Results.
Scenario management pane
To see created scenarios, open the pop-up menu by clicking the button near the opened scenario name in the top left corner. In the appearing menu, you can:
- Select a scenario from the appeared list to open its configuration and results if there are any.
- Create a new scenario by clicking Create new scenario.
- Open the Manage scenarios window. Here you find additional information about the scenario: who created it, when it was last updated, and the schema used. In this window, you can rename, duplicate, and delete a certain scenario.
Scenario duplication is also available from the Configuration tab after you run the simulation. It is useful, for example, when you want to configure the scenario in a different way and compare how it affects an already created process simulation without setting up the scenario from scratch.
05.09.2024 16:23:54