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Before You Begin

Before starting with Simulation, pay attention to the following pre-configuration steps to set up a starting point for the simulation scenario.

Step 1: Create a Milestone schema

The simulation requires a Milestone schema. Create a schema for the workflow you want to experiment with. The schema is a visual prototype of the simulation model.

While creating a schema you can include events that already exist in timelines. Make sure you choose all events that you want to see in the simulation. Consider events not only as necessary parts of the scenario but also as process steps where you can redirect the process or reallocate resources.

To create a schema, navigate to the Process view page. Select this analysis module in the drop-down list under the project's name.
For details on the schema creation and configuration, see How to create Milestone schema.

Important. To create a Milestone schema, a user must have the User role or higher in the project. To learn more about project roles, see Accounts, User Roles & Permissions.

Step 2: Filter timeline set

Select a timeline set and apply filters to concentrate on the information you are interested in. Simulation uses selected timelines in Current at the top as source data.

For example, you may want to test simulation scenarios only for processes in a certain office. Filter timelines so that the current set contains events that happened exclusively in this office.

For details about timeline sets and filtering options, see Filtering Tools, Filters, and Sets.

05.09.2024 16:23:54

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