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Configure Alert Using POST Method

Webhook is a mechanism that informs users, other applications, or IT systems when something happens in processes. After data upload, the application sends a corresponding notification if some timelines meet the set conditions.

One of the available methods for creating a webhook is POST. Timeline creates a new HTTP POST request and sends it to a specified URL address.

How to create Webhook

  1. Click to open the Edit alert window.
    Important. You should add an alert and configure its settings before creating a webhook. For instructions, see How to Create and Execute Alert.
  2. Click in the Webhooks section.
  3. Select POST method.
  4. Configure parameters for a webhook.
    Some of them can be optional. Parameters are described in the table below.
Parameter Description
URL A valid URL, where information is sent.
HTTP Basic Auth (optional)

Valid credentials in case the webhook needs authentication.

To set credentials:

  1. Choose the HTTP Basic Auth option.
  2. Enter User name and Password.
Webhook name A webhook name you see in reports. It will help identify the alert.
Request Headers (optional)

Additional HTTP headers and their values that a POST request will include.

To add a header:

  1. Enter Name and Value.
  2. Click .
Content-Type: Multipart Timelines IDs field name
An array name that contains matched timeline IDs.
For example, there are 3 timelines that meet conditions, their IDs form the following array:
Content-Type: JSON
  • Custom properties (optional)
    Custom properties, which can be a fixed part of a JSON file. These fields accept only string attributes.
    For example, such a custom property can be used to identify that a request came from Timeline.
    To specify a custom property:
  1. Enter Key and Value.
  2. Click .
  • Timelines IDs field name (optional)
    An array name that contains matched timeline IDs.
  • Preview
    An example of the JSON structure with test values.
  1. Click Test to check that the webhook is configured correctly.
    You will get the POST request on the configured URL with test information.
  2. Click Save.

Content types

While configuring a webhook, you can select the following content to send:

  1. Multipart
    Such data consists of different parts, separated by a boundary. Each part is a separate entity and has its own HTTP headers.
    Note. Specified event attributes are not included in Multipart content.
    The sent document is broken into 2 parts:
    1. A Webhook name value.
    2. An array that stores IDs for matched timelines.

      Show example of multipart content

  1. JSON
    The request will include a JSON file with specified event attributes. The sent data contains:
    1. A Webhook name value.
    2. An array that stores IDs for matched timelines.
    3. An array, where each element includes timeline ID and connected attributes in the following format:
      [{"id":"TimelineID", "EventName / AttributeName": "AttributeValue"}, {...}]
    4. Custom property values.

      Show example of JSON file with comments

JSON configuration example

Task: Create a webhook that sends a JSON file with information about a triggered alert.

Solution: In the Webhook window, select POST method, specify webhook URL and name. Select JSON as a content type. Set the name for an array with timeline IDs. Order IDs, for instance. Add a custom property, if needed. For example, enter Source in the Key field and Timeline in the Value field.

05.09.2024 16:23:54

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