English (English)

Run Simulation and Proceed with Results

After you configure the simulation scenario, click Run simulation. The program generates virtual timelines according to configured rules. Once the simulation is finished, select the Results tab that becomes available. It represents the following subtabs:

  • Process
    Shows the general process information: how many timelines were generated, their duration, and cost.
  • Milestones
    Shows the results broken down by schema milestones.
  • Transitions
    Shows generated transitions, their amount, duration, and cost.
    Transitions' duration depends on the configuration of the time distribution histograms and the time spent waiting for resources. For details, see Nodes and Transitions Configuration.
  • Resources (optional)
    Shows waiting time and processing time for resources if resource demand is configured.

You can export each tab as a CSV file:

  1. Select the needed subtab.
  2. Click Export as CSV.
  3. Select the type of file: Spreadsheet or Native.
    Choose Native to get a CSV file without formatting.

Click Delete results to clear all generated results. Now you are able to reconfigure the selected scenario and perform a new simulation.
Note. If you choose to save simulation results as timelines in the project, clicking Delete results in this case also deletes all the generated timelines.

Result comparison

You can compare the scenario results to the current set to see how the simulation affects the extracted process. Click Compare with mined set to add its statistics to the results.

You can also add other scenarios' results. Click Compare with... and then select the simulation(s) to add their results to the tab. You can select a simulation only if you clicked Run simulation for it. To remove other simulation results from the tab, click Clear comparison.

Important. If you delete results for a scenario, it will not be available for comparison. To get the results again you should rerun the simulation. Consider exporting results as a CSV file before deletion.

Use cases

Simulate the current behavior to create a base for comparison

Quickly create multiple scenarios

05.09.2024 16:23:54

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