

Stores performance statistics. Performance indicators are recorded every 10 minutes. Performance is determined using summary indicators for a period of time.

Diagram of relationships between statistics tables

List of columns

Key Name Type Required Description
PK Id int yes The identifier of the record.
BatchTypeId int yes The identifier of the batch type. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the BatchType table. The null value indicates that the batch has the Par défaut type.
CreationDate datetime yes The time when the performance indicators were recorded.
Interval smalldatetime yes

Specifies the end of the 10-minute interval between recordings of performance indicators.


The value 2016-03-29 04:40:00 means that the performance indicators were recorded for the period from 2016-03-29 04:30:00 to 2016-03-29 04:40:00.

ProcessedBatchs int yes The number of processed batches.
ProcessedDocs int yes The number of processed documents.
ProcessedPages int yes The number of processed pages.
ProcessingStageId int yes The identifier of the processing stage. The identifier of a non-existent Input stage is 0 and the identifier of a non-existent Output stage is -1 (these stages have no queues).
ProcessingStagePredefinedType int yes The base type of the processing stage. Possible values are listed in Processing stage types.
ProjectId int yes The identifier of the project to which the batch belongs. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the Project table.
QueueBatchs int yes The number of batches in the queue.
QueueDocs int yes The number of documents in the queue.
QueuePages int yes The number of pages in the queue.
TenantId int no The identifier of the tenant. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the Tenant table.

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