Example of automatic processing
This example shows how you can upload bank account applications to the server and capture the customers' data.
Download the project and the accompanying materials: Unattended.zip
The example code performs the following steps:
- Connects to the service
- Opens a session
- Opens the project
- Creates a new batch
- Adds images to the batch
- Starts processing the batch
- Gets the results and displays the captured data
- Closes the session
To proceed with this example:
- Upload the UnattendedExample.fcproj project file to the server.
- Open UnattendedExample.sln in Visual Studio 2013 or later
Connecting to the service
// Create an instance of the web service client
var service = new FlexiCapture.FlexiCaptureWebServiceSoapClient();
// ======= BASIC AUTHENTICATION =======
// service.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "username";
// service.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "password";
Opening a session
// To secure your batches against unauthorized access, specify the current user
// First, get the name of the user visible to the system
var username = service.GetCurrentUserIdentity();
// Next, find yourself among the FlexiCapture users
var userId = service.FindUser(username.Name);
if (userId <= 0) throw new Exception("Current user not found");
// Open a new processing session
const int roleType = 12; //The operator role on the user's station
const int stationType = 10; //The user's station
var sessionId = service.OpenSession(roleType, stationType);
if (sessionId <= 0) throw new Exception("Couldn't open the session");
Opening the project
// Get the projects
var projects = service.GetProjects();
var projectGuid = "";
if (projects != null && projects.Count > 0)
foreach (var project in projects)
if (project.Name != "UnattendedExample") continue;
projectGuid = project.Guid;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectGuid))
throw new Exception("Can't find the UnattendedExample project. You must upload this project to the server to be able to work with this example.");
// Open the first project named UnattendedExample
var projectId = service.OpenProject(sessionId, projectGuid);
if (projectId <= 0) throw new Exception("Couldn't open the project");
Creating a new batch
// Specify a name for the new batch and keep the other properties unchanged
var batch = new FlexiCapture.Batch { Name = "Sample API Batch" };
var batchId = service.AddNewBatch(sessionId, projectId, batch, userId);
if (batchId <= 0) throw new Exception("Couldn't create the batch");
Adding images to the batch
// Open the batch where to add images
service.OpenBatch(sessionId, batchId);
Uploading files smaller than 256 KB
service.AddNewImage(sessionId, batchId, new FlexiCapture.File()
Bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(filename),
Name = filename
Uploading larger files
Uploading files larger than 256 KB in their entirety in base64 has the following drawbacks:
- Network load increases by 33%
- Very large requests may be blocked by IIS or by the firewall
- If connection is lost or there are network errors, you will need to resend the file
Uploading files via the file service API is much more efficient.
var doc = new FlexiCapture.Document { BatchId = batchId };
var file = new FlexiCapture.File { Name = filename };
var documentId = service.AddNewDocument(sessionId, doc, file, false, 0);
UploadFile(service, sessionId, projectId, batchId, documentId, filename).Wait();
Uploading a file to the server
Sending a request to the server together with a file body
Sending a request to the server without a file body
Starting and ending batch processing
// Star processing the batch
service.ProcessBatch(sessionId, batchId);
Console.WriteLine("recognition task created, waiting ");
// Wait for the processing to complete
var percentCompleted = 0;
while (percentCompleted < 100)
Console.CursorLeft = 0;
Console.Write(percentCompleted + "%");
percentCompleted = service.GetBatchPercentCompleted(batchId);
Console.CursorLeft = 0;
Getting the results and displaying the captured data
From each document, only three fields are displayed:
- Addressing
- First Name
- Last Name
// Get the results
var documents = service.GetDocuments(sessionId, batchId);
if (documents == null) return;
// XML names required for parsing the XML results
var docs = XName.Get("Documents", "https://www.abbyy.com/FlexiCapture/Schemas/Export/FormData.xsd");
var banking = XName.Get("_Banking_eng", "https://www.abbyy.com/FlexiCapture/Schemas/Export/Banking_eng.xsd");
// Iterate all the results and display the on the screen
foreach (var document in documents)
if (document.Id == 0) continue;
// Get the XML file with the recognized data
var attachedFile = service.LoadDocumentResult(sessionId, batchId, document.Id, "Result.xml");
if (attachedFile.Bytes == null) continue;
// Open the results in XML
var xml = XDocument.Load(new MemoryStream(attachedFile.Bytes));
var docsElement = xml.Element(docs); // Container for recognized data
if (docsElement == null) continue;
var result = docsElement.Element(banking);
if (result == null) continue;
// Get the required data
var addressing = result.Element("_Addressing");
var surname = result.Element("_Last_Name");
var name = result.Element("_First_Name");
// Display the data
Console.WriteLine("- " +
(addressing == null ? "" : addressing.Value) + " " +
(name == null ? "" : name.Value) + " " +
(surname == null ? "" : surname.Value)
Closing the session
service.DeleteBatch(sessionId, batchId);
service.CloseProject(sessionId, projectId);
4/12/2024 6:16:03 PM