

Contains a list of tasks.

Diagram of relationships between routing tables

List of columns

Key Name Type Required Description
PK Id int yes Identifier of a task.
BatchId int no Batch identifier. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the Batch table.
EditSessionId int yes Identifier of the editing session. Is the same as the record identifier in the EditSession table
Attributes int yes Flags that describe a task's status.
Comment nvarchar no Comment on a task.
CreationDate datetime yes Date and time of the creation of a task.
CreatorId int yes Identifier of the user that created a task.
IsManuallyCreated bit yes Indicates that a task was created by an Operator.
IterationCounter int yes Not used.
ModificationDate datetime yes Date and time of the last status change of a task.
PostponedTaskOwner int no Identifier of the user that postponed the dask. Is the same as the record identifier in the Principal table.
Priority int yes Priority of a task. Possible values are listed in the Priority table.
ProcessingStageId int yes Identifier of the processing stage during which a task was created. Corresponds to an entry identifier in the ProcessingStage table.
Progress int yes Not used.
ProhibitedUserId int yes Identifier of a user or user group that is prohibited from processing a task.
ProjectId int yes Project identifier.
State int yes Status of a task. Possible values are listed in the Task Status table.
UserId int no Identifier of a user or user group to whom the task was assigned. Corresponds to an entry identifier in the Principal table.

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