API Methods
API methods are used to control the Application Server.
Sessions | Projects | Batch Types |
Batches | Tasks | Documents |
Pages | Licensing tickets | Users |
Files | Attachments | Log |
Document Definitions | Server Requests | Other |
CloseSession | Closes a session |
GetSessionInfo | Gets information about a session |
IsSessionExists | Checks if a session exists |
OpenSession | Opens a session and specifies the role types and station |
CloseProject | Closes a project |
GetProjects | Gets a list of projects loaded onto the Application Server |
GetProjectsForUser | Gets the set of records listing the projects available to the user |
OpenProject | Opens a project |
Batch Types
GetAllowedBatchTypes | Gets a list of available batch types |
GetBatchType | Gets information about a batch type |
GetBatchTypes | Gets a list of batch types |
GetProcessingStages | Gets extended information about processing stages |
HasRightsForBatchType | Checks if the user role has access permissions to a certain batch type |
AddNewBatch | Adds a new batch and specifies its owner |
AddNewImage | Adds an image into a batch |
CloseBatch | Closes (unlocks) a batch |
DeleteBatch | Deletes a batch |
GetBatch | Gets information about a batch |
GetBatches | Gets information about batches in a project |
GetBatchIdsRange | Reserves a set of IDs in a batch |
GetBatchPercentCompleted | Gets information about the processing of a batch |
GetFilteredBatches | Get the filtered list of batches from a server in groups |
OpenBatch | Opens (locks) a batch |
ProcessBatch | Starts processing a batch |
UpdateBatch | Update the header of the batch |
CancelTask | Cancels a task |
CloseTask | Closes a task |
CreateTask | Creates a task |
GetAvailableTasks | Get the list of available tasks for the selected stage type. Allows restricting the set of available batches. |
GetAvailableTasksByStageId | Get the list of available tasks for the specified processing stages. Allows restricting the set of available batches |
GetAvailableQueues | Gets the set of records listing the processing stages available to the user |
GetCurrentTask | Gets the ID of the task obtained with the GetTask method and not yet processed |
GetPostponedTasks | Gets a list of postponed tasks |
GetTask | Select the task with the highest priority at the processing stages of the selected type and open it for processing. Allows restricting the set of available batches. |
GetTaskByStageId | Select the task with the highest priority at the specified processing stages and open it for processing |
GetTaskDocuments | Gets a list of documents in a task |
GetTaskInfo | Gets extended information about a task |
OpenTask | Opens a task |
PostponeTask | Postpones a task |
SendTask | Sends the task to the specified processing stage |
SendTaskToException | Sends a task to Exceptions |
SetTaskPriority | Changes the task priority |
AddNewDocument | Add a new document and specify additional information |
AddNewImage | Adds an image into a batch |
DeleteDocument | Deletes a document |
GetDocument | Gets information about a document |
GetDocumentResultsList | Gets a list of files into which the document processing results were exported |
GetDocuments | Gets a list of documents in a batch |
LoadDocumentResult | Gets the file into which the document processing results were exported |
SetDocumentProperties | Specifies registration parameters for a document |
SetDocumentPriority | Changes document priority |
AddNewPage | Adds a page image to a document and includes a description |
DeletePage | Deletes a page from a document |
ReplacePageImage | Replaces a page image |
Licensing tickets
GetNewTicket | Gets a new licensing ticket |
ReleaseTicket | Releases a licensing ticket |
UpdateTicket | Updates the status of a licensing ticket |
AddUserIfNotExist | Gets the ID of the current user and creates a database record if required |
FindUser | Gets the user ID and user name |
GetAvailableQueues | Gets the set of records listing the processing stages available to the user |
GetAvailableUsers | Gets a list of users or groups allowed to process a specified stage |
GetProjectsForStationType | Finds projects where a user has at least one role associated with a particular type of station |
GetProjectsForUser | Gets the set of records listing the projects available to the user |
GetRoles | Gets list of all roles in the project |
GetUser | Gets information about the user based on the user ID |
GetUserRoles | Gets list of IDs of the user roles available to the current user in the given project |
GetUsers | Gets the list of users |
GetUserStatistics | Gets a set of records listing the the number of batches, documents and pages whose state changed to "processed" for a given period of time |
HasRightsForBatchType | Checks if the user role has access permissions to a certain batch type |
GetCustomFileNames | Gets a list of user files stored on the Application Server |
LoadCustomFile | Loads a user file from the Application Server |
RemoveCustomFile | Deletes a user file from the Application Server |
SaveCustomFile | Saves a user file on the Application Server |
GetAttachmentNames | Gets a list of attachments on the Application Server |
LoadAttachment | Loads an attachment from the Application Server |
RemoveAttachment | Deletes an attachment from the Application Server |
SaveAttachment | Saves an attachment on the Application Server |
Document Definitions
GetTemplates | Get the set of Document Definitions of the project |
GetBatchTypeTemplates | Returns the set of identifiers for Document Definitions attached to the batch type |
WriteToLog | Writes information about events into the Application Server's log |
Server Requests
CreateRequest | Creates a request to the Application Server |
DeleteRequest | Deletes a request to the Application Server. |
GetRequests | Gets a list of requests to the Application Server in the current session |
GetRequestStatus | Gets the status of a request to the Application Server |
SetRequestStatus | Changes the status of a request to the Application Server |
GetSettingValue | Gets a named parameter from the database |
SetSettingValue | Saves a named parameter in the database |
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