API Methods

API methods are used to control the Application Server.

Sessions Projects Batch Types
Batches Tasks Documents
Pages Licensing tickets Users
Files Attachments Log
Document Definitions Server Requests Other


CloseSession Closes a session
GetSessionInfo Gets information about a session
IsSessionExists Checks if a session exists
OpenSession Opens a session and specifies the role types and station


CloseProject Closes a project
GetProjects Gets a list of projects loaded onto the Application Server
GetProjectsForUser Gets the set of records listing the projects available to the user
OpenProject Opens a project

Batch Types

GetAllowedBatchTypes Gets a list of available batch types
GetBatchType Gets information about a batch type
GetBatchTypes Gets a list of batch types
GetProcessingStages Gets extended information about processing stages
HasRightsForBatchType Checks if the user role has access permissions to a certain batch type


AddNewBatch Adds a new batch and specifies its owner
AddNewImage Adds an image into a batch
CloseBatch Closes (unlocks) a batch
DeleteBatch Deletes a batch
GetBatch Gets information about a batch
GetBatches Gets information about batches in a project
GetBatchIdsRange Reserves a set of IDs in a batch
GetBatchPercentCompleted Gets information about the processing of a batch
GetFilteredBatches Get the filtered list of batches from a server in groups
OpenBatch Opens (locks) a batch
ProcessBatch Starts processing a batch
UpdateBatch Update the header of the batch


CancelTask Cancels a task
CloseTask Closes a task
CreateTask Creates a task
GetAvailableTasks Get the list of available tasks for the selected stage type. Allows restricting the set of available batches.
GetAvailableTasksByStageId Get the list of available tasks for the specified processing stages. Allows restricting the set of available batches
GetAvailableQueues Gets the set of records listing the processing stages available to the user
GetCurrentTask Gets the ID of the task obtained with the GetTask method and not yet processed
GetPostponedTasks Gets a list of postponed tasks
GetTask Select the task with the highest priority at the processing stages of the selected type and open it for processing. Allows restricting the set of available batches.
GetTaskByStageId Select the task with the highest priority at the specified processing stages and open it for processing
GetTaskDocuments Gets a list of documents in a task
GetTaskInfo Gets extended information about a task
OpenTask Opens a task
PostponeTask Postpones a task
SendTask Sends the task to the specified processing stage
SendTaskToException Sends a task to Exceptions
SetTaskPriority Changes the task priority


AddNewDocument Add a new document and specify additional information
AddNewImage Adds an image into a batch
DeleteDocument Deletes a document
GetDocument Gets information about a document
GetDocumentResultsList Gets a list of files into which the document processing results were exported
GetDocuments Gets a list of documents in a batch
LoadDocumentResult Gets the file into which the document processing results were exported
SetDocumentProperties Specifies registration parameters for a document
SetDocumentPriority Changes document priority


AddNewPage Adds a page image to a document and includes a description
DeletePage Deletes a page from a document
ReplacePageImage Replaces a page image

Licensing tickets

GetNewTicket Gets a new licensing ticket
ReleaseTicket Releases a licensing ticket
UpdateTicket Updates the status of a licensing ticket


AddUserIfNotExist Gets the ID of the current user and creates a database record if required
FindUser Gets the user ID and user name
GetAvailableQueues Gets the set of records listing the processing stages available to the user
GetAvailableUsers Gets a list of users or groups allowed to process a specified stage
GetProjectsForStationType Finds projects where a user has at least one role associated with a particular type of station
GetProjectsForUser Gets the set of records listing the projects available to the user
GetRoles Gets list of all roles in the project
GetUser Gets information about the user based on the user ID
GetUserRoles Gets list of IDs of the user roles available to the current user in the given project
GetUsers Gets the list of users
GetUserStatistics Gets a set of records listing the the number of batches, documents and pages whose state changed to "processed" for a given period of time
HasRightsForBatchType Checks if the user role has access permissions to a certain batch type


GetCustomFileNames Gets a list of user files stored on the Application Server
LoadCustomFile Loads a user file from the Application Server
RemoveCustomFile Deletes a user file from the Application Server
SaveCustomFile Saves a user file on the Application Server


GetAttachmentNames Gets a list of attachments on the Application Server
LoadAttachment Loads an attachment from the Application Server
RemoveAttachment Deletes an attachment from the Application Server
SaveAttachment Saves an attachment on the Application Server

Document Definitions

GetTemplates Get the set of Document Definitions of the project
GetBatchTypeTemplates Returns the set of identifiers for Document Definitions attached to the batch type


WriteToLog Writes information about events into the Application Server's log

Server Requests

CreateRequest Creates a request to the Application Server
DeleteRequest Deletes a request to the Application Server.
GetRequests Gets a list of requests to the Application Server in the current session
GetRequestStatus Gets the status of a request to the Application Server
SetRequestStatus Changes the status of a request to the Application Server


GetSettingValue Gets a named parameter from the database
SetSettingValue Saves a named parameter in the database

12.04.2024 18:16:03

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