

Stores all objects that constitute a batch.

Diagram of relationships between objects to be processed

List of columns

Key Name Type Required Description


BatchId int yes Identifier of the batch. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the Batch table.
Id int yes Identifier.
IsCommited bit yes Indicates that changes have been applied.
EditSessionId int yes Identifier of the session during which the changes were made. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the EditSession table.
ChildrenOrder varbinary(max) no The sorting order of child elements.
DataVerificationSymbols int yes The total number of characters that require group verification and the number of fields that require field verification.
DocumentTemplateId int yes Identifier of the Document Definition. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the Template table.
DocumentTemplateModificationNumber int yes The modification number of the Document Definition file. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the FileModification field of the TemplateVersion table.
DocumentTemplateVersionNumber int yes The version number of the Document Definition.
DoubleVerificationSymbols int yes The number of characters that require double verification
EditedSymbols int yes The number of edited characters
FilePath nvarchar yes The path to the attached image file
FileVersion int no The version number of the file containing actual data for a batch object.
ForcedVerificationSymbols int yes The number of characters that require verification.
Hierarchy hierarchyid no The object's place in the object heirarchy
IsDeleted bit no Indicates that the object has been removed
ItemData varbinary(max) no Location for service storage of fields.
ItemIndex int no This field is no longer used.
Modified tinestamp no Modification counter for synchronization during parallel processing.
NewEditSessionId int no Service field
NextProcessingStage int no Identifier of the next processing stage.
ParentId int no Identifier of the parent object of the BatchItem table.
Priority int yes The priority of the document. For a list of possible values, see Priority.
PreviousStageId int no Identifier of the processing stage from which the object came.
ProcessingStageId int no Identifier of the current processing stage of the object. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the ProcessingStage table.
ProhibitedUserId int no Identifier of a user or a group of users who are not permitted to process the document.
RecognizedSymbols int yes The number of recognized characters.
Status int no The processing status of the batch. A set of system flags.
TotalSymbols int yes The total number of characters.
Type int yes

The type of the object. Possible values:

  • 0 - document
  • 1 - page
  • 20 - a collection of elements
    Remarque :
    This value is used for elements with ID = 0 (a top-level collection that stores the order of elements in the top-level batch)
UncertainSymbols int yes The number of low-confidence characters
UserId int no The identifier of the user or group to whom the document is assigned.
VerificationSymbols int yes The number of characters requiring verification.

4/12/2024 6:16:03 PM

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