Stores all objects that constitute a batch.
Diagram of relationships between objects to be processed
List of columns
Key | Name | Type | Required | Description |
PK |
BatchId | int | yes | Identifier of the batch. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the Batch table. |
Id | int | yes | Identifier. | |
IsCommited | bit | yes | Indicates that changes have been applied. | |
EditSessionId | int | yes | Identifier of the session during which the changes were made. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the EditSession table. | |
ChildrenOrder | varbinary(max) | no | The sorting order of child elements. | |
DataVerificationSymbols | int | yes | The total number of characters that require group verification and the number of fields that require field verification. | |
DocumentTemplateId | int | yes | Identifier of the Document Definition. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the Template table. | |
DocumentTemplateModificationNumber | int | yes | The modification number of the Document Definition file. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the FileModification field of the TemplateVersion table. | |
DocumentTemplateVersionNumber | int | yes | The version number of the Document Definition. | |
DoubleVerificationSymbols | int | yes | The number of characters that require double verification | |
EditedSymbols | int | yes | The number of edited characters | |
FilePath | nvarchar | yes | The path to the attached image file | |
FileVersion | int | no | The version number of the file containing actual data for a batch object. | |
ForcedVerificationSymbols | int | yes | The number of characters that require verification. | |
Hierarchy | hierarchyid | no | The object's place in the object heirarchy | |
IsDeleted | bit | no | Indicates that the object has been removed | |
ItemData | varbinary(max) | no | Location for service storage of fields. | |
ItemIndex | int | no | This field is no longer used. | |
Modified | tinestamp | no | Modification counter for synchronization during parallel processing. | |
NewEditSessionId | int | no | Service field | |
NextProcessingStage | int | no | Identifier of the next processing stage. | |
ParentId | int | no | Identifier of the parent object of the BatchItem table. | |
Priority | int | yes | The priority of the document. For a list of possible values, see Priority. | |
PreviousStageId | int | no | Identifier of the processing stage from which the object came. | |
ProcessingStageId | int | no | Identifier of the current processing stage of the object. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the ProcessingStage table. | |
ProhibitedUserId | int | no | Identifier of a user or a group of users who are not permitted to process the document. | |
RecognizedSymbols | int | yes | The number of recognized characters. | |
Status | int | no | The processing status of the batch. A set of system flags. | |
TotalSymbols | int | yes | The total number of characters. | |
Type | int | yes |
The type of the object. Possible values:
UncertainSymbols | int | yes | The number of low-confidence characters | |
UserId | int | no | The identifier of the user or group to whom the document is assigned. | |
VerificationSymbols | int | yes | The number of characters requiring verification. |
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