

Stores FlexiCapture user connection statistics. Performance indicators are recorded every 10 minutes.

Diagram of relationships between statistics tables

Список столбцов

Key Name Type Required Description
PK Id int yes Identifier of the record.
AllTenantsCount int no The total number of tenants.
CreationDate datetime yes

The time when the indicators were recorded.


The value 2016-03-29 04:40:00 indicates that indicators were recorded for the period between 2016-03-29 04:30:00 and 2016-03-29 04:40:00.

Interval smalldatetime yes Specifies the end of the 10-minute interval between indicator records.
RoleType int no The type of the role
SessionsCount int no The number of connections made by users with this type of role.
TenantId int no Identifier of the tenant. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the Tenant table.

4/12/2024 6:16:03 PM

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