

Contains statistics of changes in a document made by a user.

Diagram of relationships between Event log tables

List of columns

Key Name Type Required Description
PK Id bigint yes Entry identifier.
AssemblingErrorsIn int yes Amount of errors made during the assembly of a document by the time it enters a particular processing stage.
AssemblingErrorsOut int yes Amount of errors made during the assembly of a document by the time its processing during a particular stage has been completed.
CorrectedSymbols int yes Amount of corrected symbols.
DocErrorsIn int yes Amount of rule errors in a document when it enters a certain stage.
DocErrorsOut int yes Amount of rule errors in a document when it leaves a certain stage.
EventId bigint yes Event identifier. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the EventLog table.
FieldErrorsIn int yes Amount of formatting errors in a document when it enters a particular processing stage.
FieldErrorsOut int yes Amount of formatting errors in a document after processing of the document during a particular stage has been completed.
FieldsForVerificationIn int yes Amount of fields that have to be verified when the document enters a particular processing stage.
FieldsForVerificationOut int yes Amount of fields that still have to be verified after processing of the document during a particular stage has been completed.
ProcessingStageId int yes Identifier of the processing stage during which the document was edited.
SecondsCount int yes Amount of time in seconds spent on editing the document.
SymbolsForVerificationIn int yes Amount of symbols that have to be verified when the document enters a particular processing stage.
SymbolsForVerificationOut int yes Amount of symbols that still have to be verified after processing of the document during a particular stage has been completed.
VerifiedFieldsIn int yes Amount of fields that have been verified when the document enters a particular processing stage.
VerifiedFieldsOut int yes Amount of fields that have been verified in a document when its processing during a particular stage has been completed.

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