
What it does

Gets a list of tasks available at the processing stage of the specified type.

Remarque : If stage allows web-stations, only preprocessed tasks will be added to the list.


Task [] GetAvailableTasks( int sessionId, int projectId, int processingStage, bool onlyPrivateBatches);


Name Type Description
sessionId int The ID of the connection to the Application Server
projectId int The ID of the project for which the list of tasks is to be retrieved
processingStage int The ID of the stage type. Possible values: see ProcessingStage.
onlyPrivateBatches bool

The flag which determines the set of available batches. Possible values:

  • True - only batches that belong the current user or user group are available;
  • False - all batches are available.

Returned value

Type Description
Task[] List of available tasks

4/12/2024 6:16:03 PM

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