Processing Performance reports

Processing Performance reports are used to calculate the processing performance. For detailed information about various data collected by reports, please see Processing reports.


Name Corresponding UI option Type Description
projects Projects int array List of project IDs for which the report should be generated. Use the GetProjects method to get information about all the projects on the Application Server. The default value is null, which means that data for all projects will be included in the report.
dateFrom Interval datetime Date and time of the beginning of the time interval for which the report should be generated. The default value is calculated using the following formula: "date and time at the moment of the report generation minus one day".
dateTo datetime Date and time of the end of the time interval for which the report should be generated. The default value is the date and time at the moment of the report generation.
batchTypes Batch types int array List of batch type IDs for which the report should be generated. Use GetBatchTypes method to get information about all the batch types within a project. Value by default is null, data for all batch types will be included into the report.
stages Stages int array List of stages for which the report should be generated. See ProcessingStageType for possible values. The default value is null, which means that data for all stages will be included in the report.
grouping Group by string

Specifies how the data will be grouped in the report. Possible values are:

  • ProjectName
  • BatchTypeName
  • ProcessingStageName

The default value is ProjectName.

columns Show columns string array

List of columns that should be added to the report. Possible values are:

  • TenantName
  • PagesOut
  • PagesIn
  • PagesAutoOut
  • PagesHandOut
  • PagesAutoQueue
  • PagesHandQueue
  • Sessions

The default value is null, which means that all possible columns will be added to the report.

showSummary Aggregate report boolean

Specifies whether the aggregate report should be generated. Possible values are:

  • true
  • false

The default value is false.

groupByType Time period int

The time period by which the data will be grouped in the report. Possible values are:

  • 1=hour
  • 2=day
  • 3=month

The default value is 1.


[ { "Name": "dateFrom", "Value": "2021-10-31T21:00:00.000Z" },
{ "Name": "dateTo", "Value": "2022-04-05T21:00:00.000Z" },
{ "Name": "projects", "Value": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] },
{ "Name": "batchTypes", "Value": [ 1 ] },
{ "Name": "aggregateByBatchTypes", "Value": true },
{ "Name": "groupByType", "Value": 1 },
{ "Name": "grouping", "Value": "ProcessingStageName" },
{ "Name": "columns", "Value": [ "ProjectId", "BatchTypeName", "ProcessedBatchs", "ProcessedDocs" ] },
{ "Name": "stages", "Value": [ 60, 50 ] } ]

4/12/2024 6:16:03 PM

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