

Contains detailed data about tasks processed in the Exceptions stage.

Diagram of relationships between statistics tables

List of columns

Key Name Type Required Description
PK Id int yes Entry identifier.

Comment nvarchar no Comment on the task.
CreatorFullName nvarchar no Full name of the user that created the task.
CreatorRoleId int yes Identifier of the role of the user that processed the task. Possible values are listed in the User Role Types table.
CreatorUserId int yes Identifier of the user that created the task.
Date datetime no Date and time of the creation of the task.
DocumentCount int no Amount of documents in the task.
GetTaskDate datetime no Date and time when the processing of the task was started.
PageCount int no Amount of pages in the task.
ReturnDate datetime no Date and time when the task was returned from the Exceptions stage.
ReturnStageTo int no The type of the processing stage that the task was routed to from the Exceptions stage. Values for standard processing stages are listed in the Processing Stage Types table.
RoleId int no Identifier of the role of the user that processed the task. Possible values are listed in the User Role Types table.
StageFrom int no Type of processing stage from which the task was routed. Values for standard processing stages are listed in the Processing Stage Types table.
StatisticTasksId int yes Entry identifier of a record of tasks in the StatisticTasks table.
TaskId int no Task identifier.
TimeOutSeconds int yes Delay (in seconds) before the processing of a task in the Exceptions stage is started.
UserId int no Identifier of the user that processed the task.
WorkTimeSeconds int yes Time (in seconds) spent on processing the task in the Exceptions stage.

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