

Contains information about system events.

Diagram of relationships between Event log tables

List of columns

Key Name Type Required Description
PK Id bigint yes Task identifier.
BatchId int no Batch identifier.
AssemblingErrorDocCount int no Amount of documents with assembly errors.
Comment nvarchar no Comment on the event.
CorrelationId nvarchar no

L'identifiant d'un événement lié à une Web Station. Cet identifiant est reçu d'une station Web et relie une entrée du journal des événements aux entrées du journal des événements de la station Web et du journal IIS.

Exceptions :

  • Les actions effectuées dans ABBYY Scanning Plugin n'ont pas d'ID de corrélation.  
  • Dans la console d'administration et de surveillance, aucune action n'a de CorrelationId, à l'exception de l'action de création d'un locataire.
Date datetime yes Date and time of the event.
Details nvarchar no Event description. Used for event types 10, 11 and 12.
DocumentCount int no Amount of documents that are related to the event.
DocumentId int no Document identifier.
EventType int yes Event type. Possible values are listed in Event type.
PageCount int no Amount of pages that area related to the event.
ProjectId int no Project identifier.
RoleId int no Type of user role. Possible values are listed in User Role Type.
RuleErrorDocCount int no Amount of documents with rule errors.
RuleWarningDocCount int no Amount of documents with rule warning.
SecondsCount int no Amount of time in seconds that it took to process the event.
SessionId int no Session identifier.
StageFrom int no Processing stage from which the object was routed. Corresponds to the PredefinedType field of the ProcessingStage table.
StageFromId int no Processing stage from which the object was routed. Corresponds to the Id field of the ProcessingStage table.
StageTo int no Processing stage to which the object was routed. Corresponds to the PredefinedType field of the ProcessingStage table.
StageToId int no Processing stage to which the object was routed. Corresponds to the Id field of the ProcessingStage table.
TaskId int no Task identifier.
UncertainSymbolsCount int no Amount of recognized symbols that may have been recognized incorrectly.
UserId int no User identifier.
Workstation nvarchar no Name of station that created the event.

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