License Consumption by Tenants reports

License Consumption by Tenants reports show the number of pages consumed by each tenant during the reporting period. License consumption data are aggregated into 24-hour periods and only include pages consumed as a result of running Processing Stations. For detailed information about data collected by reports, please see License Consumption by Tenants.


Name Corresponding UI option Type Description
tenantIds Tenants string

Specifies the tenants for which license consumption data should be collected. Possible values are:

  • Null – license consumption data will be collected for all available tenants.
  • 0 – license consumption data will be collected only for the default tenant.
  • 1 and greater – license consumption data will be collected only for the tenant with the specified ID.

The default value is null.

dateFrom Interval datetime Date and time of the beginning of the time interval for which the report should be generated. The default value is calculated using the following formula: "date and time at the moment of the report generation minus one day".
dateTo datetime Date and time of the end of the time interval for which the report should be generated. The default value is the date and time at the moment of the report generation.
groupByType Time period int

The time period by which the data will be grouped in the report. Possible values are:

  • 1=hour
  • 2=day
  • 3=month

The default value is 1.


[ { "Name": "dateFrom", "Value": "2021-10-31T21:00:00.000Z" },
{ "Name": "dateTo", "Value": "2022-04-05T21:00:00.000Z" },
{ "Name": "tenantIds", "Value": "1" },
{ "Name": "groupByType", "Value": 1 }]

4/12/2024 6:16:03 PM

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