English (English)

White Gap

Parameter Description
Void Mode( Direction )

White Gap orientation. See Element Properties dialog box, White Gap tab and the description of the White Gap properties.


Void RelativeGapLevel( Real ) See White Gap. Relative upper threshold and the description of the White Gap properties.
Void MaxGapLevel( Distance )

See White Gap. Upper threshold and the description of the White Gap properties.


Void MinGapLevel( Distance ) See White Gap. Lower threshold and the description of the White Gap properties.
Void MinGapWidth( Distance )

See White Gap. Min width/height and the description of the White Gap properties.


Void Type(ImageObjectType )

Searches for a white gap among the objects of a particular type. (By default, the program will look for white gaps among any of the objects detected on the image.)


Void UseRawText( Logic ) Enables the use in text searches of those unrecognized text-like objects that were assigned the type Raw Text during pre-recognition. To enable this feature, call the method with parameter True. By default, only recognized text is used in text searches (i.e. the parameter is set to False).


Hypotheses for White Gap elements

4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM

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