You can create a reference layout for each image in the batch. The reference layout shows the desired location of blocks on the image. You can create a reference layout manually or by using the results of matching the FlexiLayout. You can edit a reference layout by adding or removing blocks, changing their sizes and locations, etc.
Reference layouts are used when debugging FlexiLayouts, as it allows you to compare the results of matching your FlexiLayout with the desired block locations on each of the images.
Reference layouts are created in Reference layout mode. Click
on the toolbar to switch to the Reference Layout mode.
The Difference layout mode (
button on the toolbar) displays the difference between the reference layout and the results of matching the FlexiLayout. Areas which are present in the blocks of the reference layout but are absent in the blocks detected by matching the FlexiLayout (Missing Areas) are highlighted in red. The areas which are absent in the blocks of the reference layout but present in the blocks detected by matching the FlexiLayout (Excess Areas) are highlighted in green. The Batch window displays the percentages of Missing Areas and Excess Areas.
To create a reference layout manually:
- Open the image for which you wish to create a reference layout.
- Match the FlexiLayout with the image.
- Switch to Reference layout mode.
- Draw the required blocks on the image. (Use the Block-Drawing Tools.)
- Click
on the toolbar to save the reference layout.
To create a reference layout on the basis of a matched FlexiLayout::
- Open the image for which you wish to create a reference layout.
- Match the FlexiLayout with the image.
- Select Copy Matched Layout to Reference from the Batch menu or from the shortcut menu.
- Adjust the locations of the blocks if required.
- Click
on the toolbar to save the reference layout.
You can also use the Copy Matched Layout to Reference command from the shortcut menu of the batch to save as a reference layout the results of matching the FlexiLayout with selected batch pages.
Reference layout tools
The commands for creating and editing blocks can be found in View → Images → Tool → Select. The buttons corresponding to these commands can be found on the toolbar.
To move a block border:
- Click the Select tool on the toolbar or select it in View → Images → Tool.
- Place the mouse pointer on the block border you wish to move.
- Hold down the left mouse button and drag the border in the required direction.
- Release the mouse button.
Note.If you place the mouse pointer in the corner of the block, dragging the mouse will move both the vertical and horizontal block borders.
To move a selected block:
- Click the Select tool on the toolbar or select it in View → Images → Tool.
- Place the mouse pointer on the desired block. The mouse pointer will change its shape, indicating that you can move the block.
- Hold down the left mouse button and drag the border in the required direction.
- Release the mouse button.
Sometimes a block may be too small to be moved, as its borders are very close to one another and pointing the mouse on any of them will activate the "change size" mode. Hold down the Ctrl key to move such blocks.
Select (

button on the toolbar) selects an existing block on the image and moves its borders.
To create a new block:
- Click the Create Block tool on the toolbar or select it in View → Images → Tool.
- Place the mouse pointer in the corner of the future block. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the corner diagonally in the required direction.
- Release the mouse button.
- In the Create Block dialog box, enter a name for the new block.
Create Block (

button on the toolbar) creates a new block on the image.
To draw a block or an element:
- Select Training Mode from the Training menu to switch to the training mode.
- In the FlexiLayout window, select a block or a static element.
- Click the Draw Location tool on the toolbar or select it in View → Images → Tool.
- Place the mouse pointer in the corner of the future block. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the corner diagonally in the required direction.
- Release the mouse button.
Draw Location (

button on the toolbar) draws the location of a selected block or element.
To delete a block:
- Click the Delete Region tool on the toolbar or select it in View → Images → Tool.
- Click the block you wish to delete.
Delete Region (

button on the toolbar) deletes a block from the image.
To add a rectangular area to a block:
- Click the Add Region Part tool on the toolbar or select it in View → Images → Tool.
- Place the mouse pointer inside the block to which you wish to add a rectangular area.
- Hold down the mouse button and drag the pointer diagonally in the required direction.
- Release the mouse button.
The rectangle will be added to the block.
Add Region Part (

button on the toolbar) adds a rectangular area to the selected block.
To cut out a rectangular area from a block:
- Click the Cut Region Part tool on the toolbar or select it in View → Images → Tool.
- Place the mouse pointer inside the block from which you wish to cut a rectangular area.
- Hold down the left mouse button and drag the pointer diagonally in the required direction.
- Release the mouse button.
The rectangle will be cut from the block.
Note.When you cut out top or bottom block areas, the program will also cut out the adjoining right-hand up to the border of the block. This is done because only continuous text blocks may be recognized by the OCR engine. This constraint does not apply to left- and right-hand areas.
Cut Region Part (

button on the toolbar) cuts out a rectangular area from the selected block.
To add a vertical separator:
- Click the Add Vertical Separator tool on the toolbar or select it in View → Images → Tool.
- Rest the mouse pointer over the desired location in the Table block. The mouse pointer will change its appearance.
- Click the block.
Add Vertical Separator (

button on the toolbar) adds a vertical separator to the selected table block.
To add a horizontal separator:
- Click the Add Horizontal Separator tool on the toolbar or select it in View → Images → Tool.
- Rest the mouse pointer over the desired location in the Table block. The mouse pointer will change its appearance.
- Click the block.
Add Horizontal Separator (

button on the toolbar) adds a horizontal separator to the selected table block.
To delete a separator:
- Click the Delete Separator tool on the toolbar or select it in View → Images → Tool.
- Rest the mouse pointer over the desired location in the Table block. The mouse pointer will change its appearance.
- Click the block.
Delete Separator (

button on the toolbar) deletes a separator from the selected block.
Block columns shortcut menu
To create a reference layout fro columns of a Table block:
- Select the Table block on the image.
- Use the
tools to divide the block into cells.
- Right-click the column and select the name of the column from the shortcut menu.
To delete a column from a Table block, right-click the column and select Delete Column from the shortcut menu.