Hypotheses for Currency elements
The program formulates Currency hypotheses by considering the Currency objects detected during pre-recognition and having the format specified in the corresponding Currency element.
A Currency hypothesis has the following properties:
Property | Description |
Element name | The full name of the element. |
Page | The number of the page on which the element was detected. |
Surrounding rect | The coordinates of the rectangle which surrounds the region of the hypothesis. |
Width | The width of the region of the hypothesis. |
Height | The height of the region of the hypothesis. |
Value | The detected numerical value. |
Currency name | The found currency name. |
Currency name rect | The coordinates of the rectangle which encloses the region of the currency name. |
Detected | Shows whether the object described by the element has been found (true) or whether a null hypothesis has been formulated (false). |
From the best path | Shows whether the found hypothesis belongs to the best path in the tree of hypotheses (true) or not (false). |
Pre-search quality | How well the hypothesis matches the properties of the element specified by the settings in the Properties dialog box and by the code in the Advanced pre-search relations field. |
Post-search quality | The quality of the hypothesis after the conditions in the Advanced post-search relations field have been applied. |
Chain quality | The quality of the chain of hypotheses, from the first subelement of the group to the current subelement. Chain quality is calculated by multiplying the qualities of all the subelements in the chain and is used to compare rival chains of hypotheses. |
12.04.2024 18:16:02