Training element parameters
Training elements is used to automate configuring separate parameters for elements of simple types. You can easily train a new element or correct parameters of an earlier created element if necessary.
To enable training element:
- For the element to be trained, a correct Reference layout or Matched layout on several pages is required.
- All pages to be included in the training set must be marked as Use for Training on the Batch tab.
Note.You can either create a new element and draw its region on the image using the Create New (Ctrl+Space) tool or draw location for an existing element of the tree using the Draw Location tool.
To start training an element:
- From the element shortcut menu select Train Element → Train Element Parameters. The Choose Trained Element Parameters dialog box will open.
- In this dialog box you can see parameters of the trained element and their values. Names of dependent parameters are indented.
- From the Show drop-down list select the modified parameters only option to see only those parameters which were modified during training or select all parameters to see all parameters of the element.
- Mark a checkbox on the left to the parameter name to use the training result for this parameter. You can mark a checkbox next to the Parameter name caption to select all modified parameters.
- Click the Apply Changes button to save the new values of selected parameters.
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