Advanced post-search relations
Advanced post-search relations allow you to penalize a generated hypothesis depending on the properties of the element. The purpose of these constraints is to adjust an already generated hypothesis.
Important!The major difference between Advanced post-search relations andAdvanced pre-search relations is that the program starts to consider the post-search relations only after the hypothesis has been formulated.
Note.Do not write the name of the element in the code of the Advanced post-search relations. For example, to access the Width property of some Element1, write simply Width.
Constraints set in the Advanced post-search relations pane are applied to each formulated hypothesis of the element independently of the other hypotheses. Different hypotheses for one and the same element cannot be compared. You can only adjust the quality of a specific hypothesis by studying its properties and imposing certain constraints on it.
Any command or constraint in the Advanced post-search relations pane returns an estimate of the quality of the hypothesis for the given element. Estimates obtained by applying different constraints are multiplied.
Note.Additional constraints set on the Advanced tab in the Advanced post-search relations pane may only refer to the current element and the elements located above the current element in the FlexiLayout tree. If this condition is not met, the program will highlight the illegal element.
You can use this pane to do the following:
Apply constraints to the properties of a hypothesis
Check the properties of a hypothesis
Adjust the quality of a hypothesis
12.04.2024 18:16:02