Correcting relations offsets
When specifying a relative search area for elements or generating element relations, the offset value for the search area is defined. You can then correct relations offset based on the reference layout of the selected pages. Offsets are calculated for all enabled relations with non-recurring elements.
To enable offsets correction:
- The Reference layout must contain elements for which relations offsets are to be corrected.
- All pages to be included in the training set must be marked as Use for Training on the Batch tab.
To correct relations offsets:
- From the element shortcut menu select Train Element → Correct Relations Offsets. The Choose Trained Relations Offsets dialog box will open.
- In this dialog box you can see the list of trained relations and their new and old values of offsets.
- From the Show drop-down list select the modified relations only option to see only those relations which were modified during training or select all relations to see all relations of the element.
- Mark a checkbox on the left to the relation name to use the training result for this relation. You can mark a checkbox next to the Relation caption to select all modified relations.
- Select a relation in the list to view its visualization in the Image window. The reference element in the Image window is enclosed in a thick frame and the search area is highlighted with a green background. When selecting several relations, the intersection of the selected relations is displayed. The intersection area is highlighted with a green background, while the areas out of the intersection borders are highlighted blue.
Note.If the corresponding checkbox is selected, the new offset value is displayed. For deselected checkboxes, old values of offsets are displayed.
- To view visualized relations on the next or previous page from the training set, click
in the left bottom corner of the window respectively. To go to the page with a specified number, click the Go to Page... button.
- Click the Apply Changes button to save new offset values for the selected relations.
4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM