Parameter | Description |
Void AllowFractionalPartOmission( Logic ) |
Specifies whether the numerical value must have a fractional part. See Currency dialog box, Allow missing fractional part property. |
Void AllowSeparatorOmission( Logic ) |
Specifies whether the fractional part separator is required in the numerical value. See Currency dialog box, Allow missing separator property. |
Void CurrencyNames( String ) |
Specifies the possible currency names. The variants must be separated by a vertical bar (“|”). See Currency dialog box, Currency name property. E.g. |
Void CurrencyOmissionQuality( Real ) |
Sets the penalty for a missing currency name. See Currency dialog box, Missing name penalty property. |
Void CurrencyPosition( CurrencyPositionTypes ) |
Sets the location of the currency name – to the left or to the right of the numerical value. See Currency dialog box, Currency name position property. E.g. |
Void FindOnlyIntegers( Logic ) | Finds only integers. Symbols set by the Separators function (or in the corresponding dialog box) will be ignored. AllowSeparatorOmission is automatically set to true and AllowFractionalPartOmission is automatically set to false. |
Void MaximalValue( Real ) |
Sets the maximum numerical value. See Currency dialog box, Maximum value property. |
Void MaxXOutsidePart( Real ) | Specifies the part of the character that may extend beyond the search area horizontally. The part of the character is specified by a number from 0 to 1. Those characters are included in the hypothesis that have the specified or smaller part outside the search area. |
Void MaxYOutsidePart( Real ) | Specifies the part of the character that may extend beyond the search area vertically. The part of the character is specified by a number from 0 to 1. Those characters are included in the hypothesis that have the specified or smaller part outside the search area. |
Void MaxRelativeGapInLine( Real ) | The maximum distance between neighboring characters expressed as a percentage of the line height. |
Void MinimalValue( Real ) |
Sets the minimum numerical value. See Currency dialog box, Minimum value property. |
Void Separators( String ) |
Sets the symbols which can be used to separate the integer and fractional parts of the numerical value. See Currency dialog box, Possible fractional part separators property. E.g. |
Void AllowedTextRotations ( TextRotations ) | Specifies a set of orientations of the recognized text in which an element search is allowed. |
12.04.2024 18:16:02