Sample 2. Step 15: Describing the field which contains the cooking instructions and the field which contains the cooking time
Create a Group element for the cooking time and cooking instructions:
- Create a Group element and name it Cooking.
- The Cooking element must contain the following elements:
- CookingTimeHeader element (of type Static Text) which corresponds to the time units specified in the Cooking Time field (see Step 16 for details).
- CookingTime element (of type Character String), which corresponds to the Cooking Time field (see Step 17 for details).
- InvertedHeader element (of type Object Collection), which corresponds to the name of the Cooking Description field (see Step 19 for details).
- compound Description element (of type Group), which corresponds to the Cooking Description field (see Step 20 for details).
12.04.2024 18:16:02