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Sample 3. Step 21: Describing the footer of the table with a kwFooter element

Analysis of the test images reveals that the footer of the table can begin with the keywords ”Carried Over,” “Total Chf,” ”Goods total excl. tax,” ”Discount,” and ”SPECIAL DISCOUNT.” Let us list all these variants in a search text for the element of type Static Text.

To create the kwFooter element:

  1. In the Footer element, create an element of type Static Text and name it kwFooter.
  2. Click the Static Text tab.
  3. In the Search text field, enter the text to find: “Discount|TotalCHF|SPECIALDISCOUNT|Carriedover|Goodstotalexcl.tax”.
  4. Click the Advanced tab.
  5. The sought keywords are located in the left half of the image. If the program detects several of the keywords, we will only be interested in the topmost keyword. So set the following additional search constraint in the Advanced pre-search relations field: Look for the object in the left half of the page; Look for the object nearest to the top edge of the page. In the FlexiLayout language:
    LeftOf: PageRect.Left + PageRect.Width/2;
    NearestY: PageRect.Top;
  6. Try matching the FlexiLayout with the test images and make sure that the program successfully detects the element on all the images where applicable.

Note.If the wording of a field name may differ from image to image, be sure to list all the possible variants of the name, or at least the majority of them. You may want to ask for more test images or contact your customer to learn about the possible variants of field names on the documents of this type.

4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM

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