Sample 1. Step 16: Describing the YOUR SPACESHIP NUMBER field
To describe the location of the block corresponding to the YOUR SPACESHIP NUMBER field:
- Create an element of type Static Text and name it SpaceShipHeader. This element will correspond to the name of the YOUR SPACESHIP NUMBER field.
- Create an element of type Character String and name it SpaceShip. This element will correspond to the YOUR SPACESHIP NUMBER field proper.
- Create a block and name it SpaceShip. This block will corresponding to the YOUR SPACESHIP NUMBER field.
The elements and the block for this field are created as described in Steps 10 to 14 with the following exceptions:
- Unlike for the PlanetName element, specify a regular expression for the SpaceShip element rather than an alphabet. This is necessary because the format of data in the YOUR SPACESHIP NUMBER field is the same on all the test images.
The format of spaceship numbers can be defined using the following regular expression:
[N]{5}[A-Z][A-Z][N]{2} (for more on regular expressions see the help file for ABBYY FlexiCapture)
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- When defining the search area for the SpaceShip element, specify the SpaceShipHeader element as the reference element.
- When creating the SpaceShip block, specify the SpaceShip element as the source element.
12.04.2024 18:16:02