English (English)

Sample 4. Step 7.3: Name of Quantity column, kwQuantity element

We will rely on the already detected kwDesignation and ExtraQtyTag elements to describe this name.

To create a kwQuantity element:

  1. In the TableHeader element, create an element of type Static Text and name it kwQuantity.
  2. Click the Static Text tab.
  3. In the Search text field, specify the text to search: Qty|Quantity|ORDERED|QtyNet.
  4. Set Max error percentage to 35.
  5. Click the Search Constraints tab and exclude the already detected element SearchElements.TableHeader.ExtraQtyTag from the search area.
  6. To specify that the name we are searching is located on the same level with the name Designation, click the Relations tab and specify the following additional constraints. See Step 7.2 for details.
  7. To optimize the search process, specify an additional condition:Do not search for the name if the name Designation has not been detected. See Step 7.2 for details.
  8. In Advanced pre-search relations, specify additional search constraints:
    WholeWordMode: true;// Only whole words will be considered as hypotheses.
    MaxGapInLine: 20dt;// This is the maximum distance between adjacent characters.
  9. Match the FlexiLayout to make sure that the element is detected on the first page of the document.

4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM

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