Character String
Parameter | Description |
Void AllowEmbeddedHypotheses( Logic ) |
See Character String. Allow embedded hypotheses. E.g. |
Void MinQuality( Real ) |
Sets the minimum quality of the hypothesis. Hypotheses whose quality is below this minimum will be discarded. E.g. |
Void MaxNonDefinedCount( Real ) |
See Character String. Percentage of non-alphabet characters. E.g. |
Void MaxWordBreakCount( Real ) | The maximum number of word ends in the line. The line is divided into words based on the Detect words by interword space parameter (see Element Properties dialog box, Character String tab). The parameter is specified as a ratio: [number of word ends]/[number of characters in the string]. |
Void MinInterwordSpace( Distance ) | Enables division into words based on the width of the space (see Element Properties dialog box, Character String tab, Detect words by interword space) and specifies the minimum width of the space to Distance (Min interword space parameter). |
Void WordsCount( Int, Int, Int, Int ) | See Element Properties dialog box, Character String tab, Words count. |
Void TotalChainLength( Int, Int, Int, Int ) |
See Character String, Characters Count. E.g. |
Void TotalGapLength( Distance, Distance, Distance, Distance ) | Specifies the maximum allowed total length of spaces in the string as a fuzzy interval. Assess the quality of the hypotheses based on the total length of the spaces. |
Void MaxGapInLine( Distance ) |
Sets the maximum distance between neighboring characters. When generating a hypothesis, the program will add characters to the hypothesis until the distance between two neighboring characters does not exceed MaxGapInLine. See also Character String, Character String, Max space length. E.g. |
Void MaxRelativeGapInLine( Real ) | The maximum distance between neighboring characters expressed as a percentage of the line height. |
Void AllowChoppedWords( Logic ) | This flag specifies whether text objects which do not fit entirely within the left and right boundaries should be included into the hypothesis. The default value is True. |
Void MaxXOutsidePart( Real ) | Specifies the part of the character that may extend beyond the search area horizontally. The part of the character is specified by a number from 0 to 1. Those characters are included in the hypothesis that have the specified or smaller part outside the search area. |
Void MaxYOutsidePart( Real ) | Specifies the part of the character that may extend beyond the search area vertically. The part of the character is specified by a number from 0 to 1. Those characters are included in the hypothesis that have the specified or smaller part outside the search area. |
Void AddAlphabet( String alphabet, Real portion, Logic isRestrictionStrong ) |
Sets the alphabet and the allowed percentage of alphabet characters in the hypothesis. The flag isRestrictionStrong specifies whether exceeding the permissible rate of alphabet symbols must be considered as valid hypotheses:
The default setting is True. E.g. |
Void RegularExpression( String ) |
Sets the regular expression defining the text of the hypothesis. E.g. |
Void WholeWordMode ( Logic ) |
This flag specifies whether only whole words must be considered as valid hypotheses. If the flag is set to True, hypotheses made up of parts of words will be discarded. The default setting is False.
Void RegularExpressionFromDB( String connectionString, String selectString, Int maxRecordsCount = 1000 ) | Uses a database to set the regular expression defining the text of the hypotheses (see Using databases and text files in the FlexiLayout language). The connectionString argument sets the string for connecting to the database. The selectString argument sets an SQL query, which starts with the SELECT command). To speed up the search, only the first maxRecordsCount variants are used (the default setting is 1000). |
Void RegularExpressionFromFile( String fileName, Int maxRecordsCount = 1000 ) | Uses a text file to set the regular expression defining the text of the hypotheses (see Using databases and text files in the FlexiLayout language). The fileName argument sets the name of the text file. To speed up the search, only the first maxRecordsCount variants are used (the default setting is 1000). |
Void Width( Distance, Distance, Distance, Distance ) | The width of the hypothesis specified as a fuzzy interval. |
Void Height( Distance, Distance, Distance, Distance ) | The height of the hypothesis specified as a fuzzy interval. |
Void TrimSymbols( String ) | Specifies the characters to be trimmed at the beginning and at the end of a hypothesis. |
Void SimilarSymbolQuality( Real ) | Specifies a coefficient by which the quality of a hypothesis should be multiplied if it includes a character from the list of characters that look like those in the alphabet. |
Void AllowedTextRotations ( TextRotations ) | Specifies a set of orientations of the recognized text in which an element search is allowed. |
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